Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Multicultural Night

Here I am ...just finished eating some homemade veggie fajitas and now I'm having some Sammy Hagar Tequila but i can't help but think Japanese cuz my Astro-Sex-Lube is loaded with Wasabi...

Anyway here is something I wish I had thought of...Air Sex. It's not the Mile High club but just as fun (or so it seems)

Japan's air sex world champion licks himself into shape

Japan has recently claimed the world air guitar championship, but Weekly Playboy (10/2) notes that less well known is that Japan already had a world champ in another virtual sport -- air sex!

Just like air guitar it pits competitors prancing around on stage empty handed but acting as though they were playing a hot riff, air sex requires players to simulate sauciness as though with a partner, but actually while alone.

"Air sex was originally invented by guys who couldn't get girlfriends, but desperately want to have sex," J-Taro Sugisaku, the self-professed creator of air sex, tells Weekly Playboy.

Sugimura tells the weekly that air sex began when a mostly male group gathered at a theater in the trendy Tokyo district of Shimo Kitazawa earlier this year. They began talking about sex techniques, then started demonstrating them. Soon, a competition developed to come up with the most outrageous display of faked fornication.

"You must be warned, though... air sex can be very dangerous," Sugisaku says. "Normally what happens with a display is that you perform the same way you normally would when having sex. I've seen guys who put on air sex shows that clearly display they're still virgins. I've also seen other guys perform such incredibly authentic fake fellatio that nobody has been left in any doubt that they could only be bisexual. Let me reiterate: Air sex can be dangerous."

Hahahahaa dangerous???

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Hi dear readers,

Another post?? Wow...only a month after the last one, can you stand it??

As I mentioned in my previous post I took on a new job. Some would say it was a bad move, this new job pays a little less that the last, it has work hours that are erratic and far from the normal 9 to 5 so to some people I made a bad decision. Not that anyone really says this to my face but how many times do I have to hear "so, do you like your new job?" from the same people to know what they are getting at. Do they truly care how I am doing?? I'm not sure.

I am kind of getting sick of it.

I think they are actually looking for some kind of bitter schadenfraude against me. I don't know why they would want to be able to smirk and say "man, you really should have stayed where you were, that was a really dumb decision", but that's what seems to be happening. Is it so they feel better about themselves? Do they have some scorn against me?


A couple of things:

-I like this new job.
-I enjoy the interaction with customers and employees.
-I am learning new skills
-I actually have a chance of advancement
-there are benefits, pension plans and RRSP plans

But there is one huge change that i did not anticipate and one that i am not sure is real or imagined....

With the Old Job I always had a sore back. It had become an affliction to which i had resigned to have the rest of my life. I was someone "with a back problem". At the old job I was away from work a few days every couple of months because my back "went out" and I couldn't get out of bed or whatever. I had always just chalked it up to working too hard and too stupid. Lifting and pushing things by myself that needed two people was sometimes required to get a job done because boss refused to hire capable help and i paid for it with sharp pains in my lower back.

But i feel great...i work harder at this new job. i'm on my feet for 8 hours at a time and I feel better than i did when i sat on my ass for 8 hours in front a computer. Sure there were those times when I was doing strenuous physical labour but they were sometimes weeks apart and only for a few hours at a time.

I haven't said anything to anyone for a month...the length of current employment...just to make sure it wasn't a fluke. I talked to my doctor as well as some other physio people and they seem to agree that my back problems were probably due to stress.



Honestly I ever felt stress in THAT job....not until the final few months...but now that i look back, an ineffective boss who refuses to communicate, makes idiotic decisions that would potentially cause unnecessary problems for workers sure can build a harmful burden of stress.

I think i now why people want to see my miserable...they are miserable themselves because they don't have the guts to leave their terrible jobs and they are jealous that i DO have the guts. i am proud of myself that i could see past the paycheck, i am proud of the fact that i am pretty adaptable, allowing me to successfully find work in different fields and excel.

Some would say that I have no purpose and no direction. Personally i like the fact that i am not chained to one single line of work. It's that old joke with me, I still don't know what i want to do when I grow up.

Sorry to vent..more fun stuff will come in the future